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RSS Coast Guard Officers Receive Training In Asset Recovery

One hundred and seventy-four Coast Guard officers from across the RSS Member States recently participated in a two-day workshop hosted by the RSS’ Asset Recovery Unit, and its Regional Maritime Officer.

Coast Guard officers from across Regional Security System (RSS) Member States are now better positioned to effectively assist in the prosecution of asset recovery and money laundering cases.

This comes as the RSS’ Asset Recovery Unit (ARU), and its Regional Maritime Officer, collaborated recently to host a two-day workshop for 174 officers across the RSS Member States, including the Barbados Coast Guard PELICAN.

During the exercise, Director of the Asset Recovery Unit, Kisha Sutherland, stated that the RSS ARU operates on the principle that crime does not pay, and pointed out that through the training, soldiers would be made aware of how they can prevent criminals from financially benefitting from their activities.

“Financial crimes, such as illicit trafficking, are done with a profit motive, topics such as money laundering and cash seizure will help to aid in bringing the fight to the criminals,” she maintained.

The ARU head stated that it was necessary for all areas of law enforcement to work together to ensure that perpetrators were not successful in their illegal crimes.

“Our work and engagement show that to fight crime effectively, an all-of-law enforcement approach must be embraced and coordinated. This requires building and enhancing capacity in all aspects of law enforcement that touches and concerns the national crime fighting strategy,” she pointed out.

The RSS official explained that the training programme was designed for members of the Coast Guards, whom she noted played a major role in maritime interceptions.

“We are cognisant of the limited investigative and law enforcement role played by the Defence Force in these crime interdictions, however, we acknowledge the crucial aspect of its work in being the first responder to an incident and interacting with evidential materials and suspects first hand. This workshop will therefore provide insight on how Coast Guard officers can gather evidence to assist the police and aid in the successful prosecution of cash seizure and money laundering matters,” Ms. Sutherland outlined.


Written by RSS

September 22, 2023

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